Scholarly Commons - ASEE Southeastern Section Conference: T4-D: Analysis of Usage Statistics of MATLAB Marina: A Virtual Learning Environment

T4-D: Analysis of Usage Statistics of MATLAB Marina: A Virtual Learning Environment


Richard Petty

Start Date

6-3-2018 8:40 AM


MATLAB Marina is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) developed by faculty at Armstrong State University. The VLE is dedicated to the improvement of student learning of programming concepts using MATLAB. The VLE consists of learning modules containing primers that review algorithmic concepts, terms, MATLAB syntax and examples; multimedia tutorials that reinforce the algorithmic concepts using MATLAB; and practice exercises. The VLE is used as the primary resource for an introductory programming course. This paper presents a study of the usage of the MATLAB Marina VLE: the VLE website, the individual modules, the static documents (primers and exercises) for each module, and the multimedia tutorials that are housed on YouTube. The usage data was analyzed to determine: how much is MATLAB Marina used by Armstrong students; which resources get the most usage; and what are the peak days and times of usage of MATLAB Marina.


Mar 6th, 8:40 AM

T4-D: Analysis of Usage Statistics of MATLAB Marina: A Virtual Learning Environment

Richard Petty

MATLAB Marina is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) developed by faculty at Armstrong State University. The VLE is dedicated to the improvement of student learning of programming concepts using MATLAB. The VLE consists of learning modules containing primers that review algorithmic concepts, terms, MATLAB syntax and examples; multimedia tutorials that reinforce the algorithmic concepts using MATLAB; and practice exercises. The VLE is used as the primary resource for an introductory programming course. This paper presents a study of the usage of the MATLAB Marina VLE: the VLE website, the individual modules, the static documents (primers and exercises) for each module, and the multimedia tutorials that are housed on YouTube. The usage data was analyzed to determine: how much is MATLAB Marina used by Armstrong students; which resources get the most usage; and what are the peak days and times of usage of MATLAB Marina.