Scholarly Commons - ASEE Southeastern Section Conference: T3-C: An Exploratory Study of NSF-supported Scholars’ Career Readiness

T3-C: An Exploratory Study of NSF-supported Scholars’ Career Readiness

Presenter Information

Huihui Wang, Jacksonville University


Bill France C

Start Date

5-3-2018 3:45 PM


The Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (MEP) scholars program supported by NSF at Jacksonville University is designed to increase enrollment of students, including those from underrepresented groups, and improve retention of scholars through graduation. Having reached the midpoint of this project, we are exploring better practices for improving our scholars’ learning, preparing them for their careers to increase the number of next generation STEM workforce and increasing the number of women and students from underrepresented groups through various curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. In this paper, we focus on exploring MEP scholars’ career readiness using interviews, surveys and Woofound which is a career track software. We will conduct a longitudinal investigation of the study participants' career readiness including both academic readiness and career knowledge as it develops over four years. We will compare MEP scholars’ career readiness results with other non-MEP scholars’ results which were obtained at our campus career resource center.


Mar 5th, 3:45 PM

T3-C: An Exploratory Study of NSF-supported Scholars’ Career Readiness

Bill France C

The Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (MEP) scholars program supported by NSF at Jacksonville University is designed to increase enrollment of students, including those from underrepresented groups, and improve retention of scholars through graduation. Having reached the midpoint of this project, we are exploring better practices for improving our scholars’ learning, preparing them for their careers to increase the number of next generation STEM workforce and increasing the number of women and students from underrepresented groups through various curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. In this paper, we focus on exploring MEP scholars’ career readiness using interviews, surveys and Woofound which is a career track software. We will conduct a longitudinal investigation of the study participants' career readiness including both academic readiness and career knowledge as it develops over four years. We will compare MEP scholars’ career readiness results with other non-MEP scholars’ results which were obtained at our campus career resource center.