
Daytona Beach, Florida


Everybody has something to say about teaching. Everyone has an opinion on the subject. This is probably because everyone has been on the receiving end of it.

It is a favorite pastime of students to compare and contrast their professors. Much, if not most, of what they have to say is of a personal nature. Conspicuous in its absence is anything of substance about their teaching.

Talk at faculty meetings isn't much better. You will hear about lighter teaching loads, smaller class sizes, and fewer committee assignments. Invariably, some intrepid instructor might even suggest the need for better instruction. Talk about a conversation stopper!



Teaching Strategies for Today's College Classroom

Daytona Beach, Florida

Everybody has something to say about teaching. Everyone has an opinion on the subject. This is probably because everyone has been on the receiving end of it.

It is a favorite pastime of students to compare and contrast their professors. Much, if not most, of what they have to say is of a personal nature. Conspicuous in its absence is anything of substance about their teaching.

Talk at faculty meetings isn't much better. You will hear about lighter teaching loads, smaller class sizes, and fewer committee assignments. Invariably, some intrepid instructor might even suggest the need for better instruction. Talk about a conversation stopper!