
Daytona Beach, Florida


The contentions of this paper are quite simple: Socrates has long been dead. Tragically, the teacher in higher education who attempts to emulate him is unlikely to remain alive. Moreover, there are a number of poisonous elements within the higher education environment that are potentially lethal to the Socratic teacher of today. Citations from Apology, Crito, Ion, Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, and The Republic support the above contentions.



Is Socrates Dead? Can Socratic Teachers in Higher Education Remain Alive?

Daytona Beach, Florida

The contentions of this paper are quite simple: Socrates has long been dead. Tragically, the teacher in higher education who attempts to emulate him is unlikely to remain alive. Moreover, there are a number of poisonous elements within the higher education environment that are potentially lethal to the Socratic teacher of today. Citations from Apology, Crito, Ion, Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, and The Republic support the above contentions.