Antigone (Text)

Document Type



Dramatic Literature

Publication Date


Course Date

Spring 2023

Course Number

HU 315

Course Title

Studies in Dramatic Literature and Theater Arts


Sophocles' Antigone ranks with his Oedipus Rex as one of world literature's most compelling dramas. The action is taut, and the characters embody universal tensions: the conflict of youth with age, male with female, the state with the family. Plot and character come wrapped in exquisite language. Antagonists trade polished speeches, sardonic jibes and epigrammatic truisms and break into song at the height of passion. David Mulroy's translation of Antigone faithfully reproduces the literal meaning of Sophocles' words while also reflecting his verbal pyrotechnics. Using fluid iambic pentameters for the spoken passages and rhyming stanzas for the songs, it is true to the letter and the spirit of the great Greek original. Abstract from eBook Central.


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