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Kaitlyn E. BridgeFollow


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Daytona Beach

Authors' Class Standing

Kaitlyn Bridge, Junior

Lead Presenter's Name

Kaitlyn E Bridge

Faculty Mentor Name

Lynn Koller


Our planet is suffering from climate change which is affecting all living creatures on Earth and is beginning to have negative impacts on our lives. Some sources that are contributing to this climate change, or global warming, include greenhouse gas emissions from cars and factories, methane released from landfills, and deforestation, just to name a few. If you were to investigate each of these sources, you would find that there are engineers involved in some or many aspects of the processes for each. Engineers need to be held responsible and take advantage of their skills to extend the life of the planet. This research paper explains the ways in which engineers can use their skills to develop new technologies that will reduce the impacts of climate change, lower the amount of greenhouse gas and methane released, and improve the overall health of the planet.

Did this research project receive funding support from the Office of Undergraduate Research.




How Engineers can Take Advantage of Their Skills to Slow the Impacts of Climate Change

Our planet is suffering from climate change which is affecting all living creatures on Earth and is beginning to have negative impacts on our lives. Some sources that are contributing to this climate change, or global warming, include greenhouse gas emissions from cars and factories, methane released from landfills, and deforestation, just to name a few. If you were to investigate each of these sources, you would find that there are engineers involved in some or many aspects of the processes for each. Engineers need to be held responsible and take advantage of their skills to extend the life of the planet. This research paper explains the ways in which engineers can use their skills to develop new technologies that will reduce the impacts of climate change, lower the amount of greenhouse gas and methane released, and improve the overall health of the planet.


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