Measuring Flexible Fillers Using Thermoelasticity and Thermal Imaging

Author Information

Madalyn SmithFollow

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Daytona Beach

Authors' Class Standing

Madalyn Smith, Junior

Lead Presenter's Name

Madalyn Smith

Faculty Mentor Name

Jeffery Brown


An improvement to bridge design and the longevity of bridges that the state of Florida has recently started to investigate is developing a new inspection protocol for post-tensioning (PT) ducts that rely on flexible filler materials for corrosion protection. In recent years, several incidents throughout the state of Florida have involved corrosion damage to bridges, which is why this push for the development of flexible fillers has become more prevalent.

Thermoelasticity and thermal imagining were the main methods of focus in this research study to determine if these are viable methods to measure how heat propagates through concrete and if this propagation is any different given the presence of microcracking in post-tensioned concrete. These methods were carried out by using a heat lamp and an infrared camera to simulate sinusoidal heating and record the heat propagation through the beam. This data was then converted into MATLAB files and analyzed using an already created program to determine if there was any notable change in the temperature of the concrete and if this was affected by microcracking. It was found that this method was not overall successful with the available resources. Still, with a stronger heating source or longer heating periods, this method could become a viable option for determining the effects of microcracking on heat propagation in concrete.

Did this research project receive funding support from the Office of Undergraduate Research.




Measuring Flexible Fillers Using Thermoelasticity and Thermal Imaging

An improvement to bridge design and the longevity of bridges that the state of Florida has recently started to investigate is developing a new inspection protocol for post-tensioning (PT) ducts that rely on flexible filler materials for corrosion protection. In recent years, several incidents throughout the state of Florida have involved corrosion damage to bridges, which is why this push for the development of flexible fillers has become more prevalent.

Thermoelasticity and thermal imagining were the main methods of focus in this research study to determine if these are viable methods to measure how heat propagates through concrete and if this propagation is any different given the presence of microcracking in post-tensioned concrete. These methods were carried out by using a heat lamp and an infrared camera to simulate sinusoidal heating and record the heat propagation through the beam. This data was then converted into MATLAB files and analyzed using an already created program to determine if there was any notable change in the temperature of the concrete and if this was affected by microcracking. It was found that this method was not overall successful with the available resources. Still, with a stronger heating source or longer heating periods, this method could become a viable option for determining the effects of microcracking on heat propagation in concrete.