Date of Award
Summer 2003
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair
Vladimir V. Golubev
Committee Member
Eric Perrell
Committee Member
Axel Rohde
The BASS code, a nonlinear high-order prefactored compact code is validated on a benchmark problem. The nonlinear response of a loaded airfoil to an impinging vertical gust is investigated in the parametric space of gust intensity and frequency. Computational resources, involving a Linux cluster, were set up and maintained. The code was corrected and adapted to this particular problem. Results are compared with linear solution from the GUST3D solver.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Lessiau, Claire M., "Numerical Analysis of an Airfoil Response to an Impinging Gust" (2003). Master's Theses - Daytona Beach. 120.