Date of Award

Fall 12-1994

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Aeronautical Science


Aeronautical Science

Committee Chair

Henry R. Lehrer

Committee Member

John A. Wise

Committee Member

Franklin D. Richey


The problem of c is one that has been around for some time. With air travel projected to increase into the year 2000, Airbus Industrie, Boeing Corporation and McDonnell Douglas are making plans or are in the process of building large transports. Airbus has built the A340/A330 and is planning the now named A3XX, a 600 plus seater. Boeing is currently flying the 747-400 which holds up to 570 passengers. In addition, Boeing rolled out the 777 in June 1994, which holds up to 550 passengers. Douglas is planning the MD-12 with a 700 plus passenger load. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of these large transports on airport capacity within the United States. The study will try to show a relationship, if any, between airport capacity and the introduction of these large transports. Data was acquired by surveying airport managers at sample U.S. airports.
