Date of Award
Fall 2005
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair
Eric R. Perrell
Committee Member
Axel Rohde
Committee Member
Hany Nakhla
A preliminary design for a variable geometry combined cycle supersonic combustion ram jet (SCRAM jet) / rocket was developed. A precise geometry was selected by parametric analysis and the resultant geometry was analyzed using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code developed by Dr. Eric Perrell, and modified by, among others, the author.
This paper is broken into several sections discussing, separately, the design innovations used to permit the geometry of the craft to be adjusted to conform to its flight conditions, the 2D analysis tool developed for the parametric analysis, development of the grid for CFD analysis, and modifications made to the CFD code to accommodate the complex geometries that necessarily were incorporated in the grid. Results are discussed at the end.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Moss, James, "Tools for Analysis of Complex Geometries for a Combined Cycle SCRAM Jet / Rocket" (2005). Master's Theses - Daytona Beach. 152.