Date of Award

Summer 7-2008

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Aeronautics


Applied Aviation Sciences

Committee Chair

Thomas R. Weitzel

Committee Member

Carl Halford

Committee Member

Roger Mason

Committee Member

Han Wu


Several FOQA parameters that could enhance air carrier safety have not been recorded and/or analyzed. Airlines have traditionally chosen a limited number of parameters for analysis (thousands have been available for recording). No study in the U.S. had addressed FOQA parameters, leading to an exploratory mixed methods study. A conference call comprising FOQA industry experts was planned and completed to (a increase researcher knowledge and (b) discuss a list of improved safety FOQA parameters. A questionnaire, derived from the suggested list, was electronically sent to 40 FOQA professionals. The respondents represented 75% of the airlines with an FAA-approved FOQA program. The quantitative and qualitative responses reported a high importance for the 11 suggested parameters (confidence level from 0 to 100; M= 82.79, SD = 14.05). The industry indicated amenability to the discussion of improved safety parameters. The addressing of technical difficulties, combined with further studies/debates, has been recommended.
