Date of Award
Summer 2008
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Human Factors & Systems
Human Factors and Systems
Committee Chair
Dahai Liu
Committee Member
Albert J. Boquet
Committee Member
Seenith Sivasundaram
Human flight performance data were investigated using non-linear time series analysis methods to determine deterministic chaotic behavior in the data. Using a sequence of steps of non-linear methods, four flight performance data were used to investigate for the existence of deterministic chaotic behavior. Results revealed that flight performance data may exhibit chaotic behavior. Results also showed a consistent low determinism value in all the data examined which is the defining characteristic of chaotic behavior. It was also found that the data originated from non-stationary process. The Maximal Lyapunov Exponent (MLE) value which indicate chaotic behavior exist in the data revealed that most of the data examined possessed some traces of deterministic chaotic behavior evident by the low Maximal Lyapunov Exponent value.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Amanfu, Lionel Blankson, "An Investigation of Determinism and Chaotic Behavior in Flight Performance Data: A Chaos Theory and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Approach" (2008). Master's Theses - Daytona Beach. 5.