Date of Award
Summer 8-2000
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Human Factors & Systems
Human Factors and Systems
Committee Chair
John A. Wise
Committee Member
Gerald L. Gamache
Committee Member
John W. Williams
This thesis was designed to study whether age has a significant effect on cognitive test results among persons exposed to ionizing radiation. The data for this investigation came from the fourth year of a 1995-98 longitudinal study of subjects exposed to radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl, Ukraine, nuclear power plant accident. Accuracy and efficiency scores from four cognitive tests taken by 84 Ukrainian volunteers were divided into two age groups and three radiation dosage groups for analysis. The results of this study found that decrements in human performance on tasks involving spatial processing increase with age in persons who have been exposed to ionizing radiation, but only in efficiency scores. However, no significant age/radiation dose interaction was evident from the ANOVA tests.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Gerhardt, Elizabeth L., "An Analysis of the Influence of Age and Ionizing Radiation on Cognitive Performance" (2000). Master's Theses - Daytona Beach. 70.