Is this project an undergraduate, graduate, or faculty project?


Project Type



Daytona Beach

Authors' Class Standing

Sheridan Perry, Graduate Student

Lead Presenter's Name

Sheridan Perry

Lead Presenter's College

DB College of Engineering

Faculty Mentor Name

Victor Huayamave


The usage of machine learning has grown exponentially in recent years; However, its applicable uses for medical diagnosis are still in an early stage. Conditions such as Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), Cerebral Palsy (CP), and Femoracetabular Impingement (FAI) rely heavily on imaging techniques such as Ultrasound and Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Radiologists use multiple manually computed metrics using these images to diagnose conditions. This is time-intensive and requires an aligned image to get accurate diagnoses. The proposed application uses a deep learning detection algorithm to assist in the metric computation process. The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB R2023A and is trained on CT data gathered from 60 healthy participants. The algorithm performed well on images aligned according to the standard anteroposterior alignment used for radiological measurement. However, the variance of the metrics computation significantly increases when faced with severe misalignment in the craniocaudal or mediolateral axes. Additional algorithm improvements must be made to overcome this increased variance.

Did this research project receive funding support (Spark, SURF, Research Abroad, Student Internal Grants, Collaborative, Climbing, or Ignite Grants) from the Office of Undergraduate Research?

Yes, Spark Grant



Using Machine Learning to Diagnose Misaligned CT Scans

The usage of machine learning has grown exponentially in recent years; However, its applicable uses for medical diagnosis are still in an early stage. Conditions such as Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), Cerebral Palsy (CP), and Femoracetabular Impingement (FAI) rely heavily on imaging techniques such as Ultrasound and Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Radiologists use multiple manually computed metrics using these images to diagnose conditions. This is time-intensive and requires an aligned image to get accurate diagnoses. The proposed application uses a deep learning detection algorithm to assist in the metric computation process. The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB R2023A and is trained on CT data gathered from 60 healthy participants. The algorithm performed well on images aligned according to the standard anteroposterior alignment used for radiological measurement. However, the variance of the metrics computation significantly increases when faced with severe misalignment in the craniocaudal or mediolateral axes. Additional algorithm improvements must be made to overcome this increased variance.


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