Date of Award

Fall 2024

Access Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Human Factors & Systems

Committee Chair

Dr. Jeremy Courtney

First Committee Member

Dr. Tiziano Bernard


Students face unique challenges within the online learning environment that differ from traditional, face-to-face learning. With remote learning becoming increasingly popular among higher education students, this thesis aims to investigate remote learning challenges from a human factors perspective, analyzing the technological, environmental, cognitive, social, organizational, and individual factors that influence the learning experience. A mixed-methods study was conducted to gain insight into student perspectives and experiences of remote learning at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). This exploratory study utilized surveys to identify remote learning challenges and interviews for an in-depth understanding of how and why these challenges impact learning. Interviews assessed usability and effectiveness of Canvas, ERAU’s learning management system. Results indicate that Canvas and the remote environment present barriers that hinder engagement, connection, and, ultimately, community building. Canvas lacks features that enable students to feel connected. Students expressed frustrations with genuine interactions within the constraints of Canvas, discussion assignments, and grading requirements. Recommendations for learning management systems capabilities and features, along with student-suggested solutions, are provided to improve engagement and connection.
