
Creation Date
Practice Areas/Specialization: safety management, including both State safety programme (SSP) and safety management systems (SMS) – Human Factors in aviation operations – Safety investigation.
Captain Daniel Maurino is a safety advisor to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Cooperation Bureau. In such capacity, Dan has advised ANAC (Civil Aviation Authority of Argentina) on a five-year project leading to the implementation of State Safety Programme (SSP) of Argentina, and is presently advising JIAAC (Aircraft Accident Investigation Board of Argentina) on the transition to a multi-modal safety investigation agency.
He is an also an advisor to the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority on the implementation of SSP as well as in matters regarding safety management systems (SMS) implementation for flight operations, air traffic services and aerodromes, and in such capacity participates as advisor to the ICAO Safety Management Panel (SMP). Dan is a safety management instructor for Airports Council International (ACI) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Since April 2013, Dan has been engaged by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to integrate a team developing a multi-year project for the implementation of SMS in rail, metro and bus urban transportation across major cities in the United States, as well as suburban bus transportation.
Capt. Maurino retired from ICAO in December 2009, following a 21-year career at ICAO Headquarters based in Montreal, Canada. His first assignment with ICAO was Coordinator, Flight Safety and Human Factors Programme, a position he held for fourteen years, during which he developed and implemented ICAO’s Human Factors Programme. Subsequently, he was assigned the responsibility of developing the Organization’s Safety Management Programme, with responsibility over all matters pertaining safety management systems (SMS) and the State safety programme (SSP). As part of this assignment, he created the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Section within the Air Navigation Bureau, and was the Section’s first Chief.
As Chief ISM Dan laid the groundwork for the development of ICAO Annex 19 – Safety Management, which became applicable in November 2013. Dan is the author of the ICAO Safety Management Manual (Doc 9859), in its second version, as well as of the ICAO Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683).
He supervised the publication of the following ICAO Manuals: Human Factors for Aircraft Maintenance (Doc 9824); Human Factors Guidelines for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems (Doc 9758); Human Factors Guidelines for Safety Audits (Doc 9806); Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations (Doc 9808); Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) Manual (Doc 9803); Normal Operations Safety Survey (NOSS) Manual (Doc 9910); and Circular 314, Threat and Error Management in Air Traffic Control.
He is also responsible for the series of 17 ICAO Human Factors Digests, published by between 1989 and 2003. Key Digests in the series included Digest No. 1 – Fundamental Human Factors Concepts; Digest No. 2 – Crew Resource Management (CRM); Digest No. 3 – Human Factors Training for Operational Personnel; Digest No. 5 – Operational Implications of Automation in Advanced Technology Flight Decks; Digest No. 7 – Investigation of Human Factors in Accidents and Incidents; Digest No. 10 – Human Factors, Management and Organization, and Digest No. 16 – Cross-Cultural Issues in Aviation Safety.
Captain Maurino is co-author, with Professor James Reason, of the book Beyond Aviation Human Factors, published by Ashgate in the United Kingdom in 1995, and co-editor, with Professor Eduardo Salas, of the book Human Factors in Aviation, published by Academic Press in the United States in 2010. He is co-editor with Professors Key Dismukes (NASA/Ames, USA) y Sidney Dekker (Lund University, Sweden) of the series Human Factors in Aerospace Operations published by Ashgate in the United Kingdom. He is the author of over one hundred articles and papers on aviation training, aviation Human Factors, and safety management, and has contributed with chapters on these subjects to over a dozen books.
In December 1999 he received the first Airbus Award on Human Factors, administered by the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF). He is also recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for the year 2000, presented by Aviation Week and Space Technology, for his achievements in the development of the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on Human Factors; of the Roger Green Medal, awarded in 2001 by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), for his significant and everlasting contribution to the theory and practical development of Human Factors in the aerospace industry; of the Flight Safety Foundation Presidential Citation (2007) for his leadership in the development of measures and guidance material for the protection of sources of safety information; and of the IFALPA’s Presidential Citation (2008), for his extensive work in the pursuit of aviation safety. The Royal Aeronautical Society again recognized him in September 2010 with the Lifetime Achievement Award (the first ever in the almost 200-year history of the Society) for his exceptional contribution to international aviation safety over more than two decades. Dan is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, an Honorary Fellow of the Colegio de Pilotos de Aviación Comerciales (COPAC) of Spain, and of the Colegio Mexicano de Pilotos Aviadores.
Before joining ICAO, Captain Maurino flew for Aerolíneas Argentinas for seventeen years, where in addition to line flying he had duties as simulator and flight instructor. He also held management positions, including Director for Flight Training. Upon joining ICAO, he resumed flying in Canada, as part-time captain with Skyservice business aviation unit, based in Montreal. He has accumulated over 15 000 hours as professional pilot, both in airline as well as in business aviation operation, in aircraft including Boeing 737, Fokker F28, Canadair CL-44, Learjet 35, Cessna Citation, Gulfstream I, Jetstream 31/32 and Beechcraft 350.