The increasing concentration and turbulent financial environment of the U.S. airline industry raise serious questions regarding the efficacy of airline deregulation. The deregulatory experience has brought into question many of the critical assumptions of entry freedom and contestable markets upon which much of deregulation was based. The current environment poses the important question: How does a smaller or new carrier compete with today's increasingly global megacarriers? The evolution of America West Airlines in its struggle to build a strong market niche provides an interesting case study of one start-up carrier's strategies and policies.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Truitt, L. J.,
& Fawcett, S. E.
Emerging as a Major Carrier: A Case Study of America West Airlines.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 1(2).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.1990.1018