As personal computer aviation training devices (PCATDs) come into wider use for instrument flight training the question of the effectiveness of these devices continues to be asked. This paper reports the findings of a survey designed to measure the perceived effectiveness of PCATDs for various lessons in instrument flight training. Flight students and flight instructors who utilized PCATDs for 12 specific flight lessons were administered a Likert-scale questionnaire which requested an effectiveness rating for each lesson. The perceived effectiveness of PCATDs for use in assignments outside the curriculum was also investigated. The PCATDs were rated to be most effective in the flight lessons that introduced a new concept, versus lessons that reviewed a concept already known. The devices were rated as very effective for additional student practice beyond the curriculum.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Beckman, W.
A Evaluation of the Perceived Effect of Personal Computer Aviation Training Devices for Instrument Flight Training.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 12(3).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.2003.1568