The present study examined the effect of an experimentally induced mood state on student pilot learning for ground school- related information. The findings from this study supported the research mat has been done in the past on negative mood and memory (Leigh & Ellis, 1981). Furthermore, the researchers showed support for the hypothesis that a negative mood state will cause a decrement in memory performance for student pilots who are attempting to remember ground-based material. Although further research needs to be done in this area, evidence has shown that a negative mood state will decrease student pilot memory ability.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Wendell, A.,
Frederick-Recascino, C.,
DeLuca, J.,
& Kirton, T.
The Effects of an Induced Negative Mood State on Student Pilot Learning.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 13(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.2003.1566