There has been limited research to date that addresses the difference, if any, between students who choose the various fields of aviation as a major, and those who choose other majors, particularly business. This study utilizes the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to compare preferences of aviation majors to business majors because of its unique characteristics and its noted lack of use in the aviation arena. The findings of the study revealed that there are no significant differences between business and aviation students in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators except in the way they orient themselves in the environment (Judging and Perceiving). These findings are a reminder to teachers of aviation students that classroom structure should balance discussion, practice skills, fun and other activities with learning objectives to accommodate the dominant styles of aviation learners. On the other hand, the predominant Judging style of business students would demand that classroom discussion be somewhat limited in order to meet specific learning goals. Maintaining a balance of teaching style is important both for the teacher and the student in reducing the discomfort of the teacher operating outside a preferred style and eliminating the mental stress of the student attempting to learn new material while using an auxiliary type.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Kutz, M. N.,
Carmichael, D. B.,
Shandiz, M.,
& Brown, D. M.
A Comparative Study of Collegiate Aviation Students and Business Students Related to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Preferences.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 14(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.2004.1532