Undergraduate programs that include one or more courses on basic aerodynamics, including those that are introductory to undergraduate engineering programs, can benefit from the use of low speed wind tunnels. At ERAU's Prescott Campus two low speed wind tunnels have been used to give Aeronautical Science and beginning Aerospace Engineering students hands on experiences use of these tunnels in determining the lift curve slopes for various airfoils. The objectives of these lab experiences as listed in the course syllabus are: Objectives: The student is expected to familiarize him/herself with: Fundamental wind tunnel testing techniques. The use of an open return wind tunnel to measure the static pressure acting on an airfoil. The variation in the static pressure on the surface of an airfoil at various angles of attack. The use of surface tufts to assist in airflow visualization. Objectives: Using the data taken in the experiment, the student is also required to: Plot the pressure pattern on the top and bottom of an airfoil at four different angles of attack. Calculate the lift coefficients for each of these angles of attack. .Plot the coefficient of lift against the angle of attack measurements. This paper describes a specific experiment given to undergraduate aeronautical science students. In this lab all the learning objectives can be met by using small groups of students and providing them with detailed instructions. This is one of the most popular portions of the course on basic aerodynamics.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Reynolds, R. S.
Application of Low Speed Wind Tunnels in Teaching Basic Aerodynamics.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 14(2).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58940/2329-258X.1528