The man in the coffin, the body in the coffin, was not he. For one thing, he needed a cigar. Those thin, colorless lips clamped tightly together would have told me he was dead even if all the other clues had been absent. His lips were what I remembered about my husband's Uncle Harold. In life they were thick and red and always cradling a wet stub of unlit cigar. I had nearly always gagged to look at it, a fat brown stump, slobbered all over at one end. But the way he held it absently in the drawn-up corner of his mouth might have also contributed to the other thing I remembered about him, the hint of a smile that made him always look slightly bemused.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Maue, T.
Farewell Comrade.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 14(3).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58940/2329-258X.1516