There are four major parties responsible for aviation security activities at an airport: the government department responsible for civil aviation, the police, the airport operator, and aircraft operators who have contracts with security companies. There are also several categories of security tasks at airports such as passenger security screening, checked baggage security control, access control to restricted areas, cargo and mail security, and crisis management. This paper discusses the assignment of responsibility for each security task to each entity involved in the aforementioned security activities. It analyzes the factors that influence the job performance of each security task, and then selects the best entity for each task. Data was gathered through an opinion survey given to experienced security practitioners at the research location and then examined with an AHP analysis in order to assess the relative importance of factors that influence security tasks and to decide the proper entity for each task.
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Scholarly Commons Citation
Yoo, K. E.
A Study on Factors Influencing the Performance of Airport Security and on Responsibility Assignment of Security Task at International Airports.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 19(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.2009.1377