Key words
Flight Training; Education; Assessment;
This article discusses calibration of flight instruction to an academic institution’s “gold standard”. Flight instructors reviewed four lessons within the private pilot curriculum. Each lesson required rating four maneuvers and assigning an overall letter grade. Data was compared to the gold standard set by flight faculty from the institution. Initial data revealed instructors with one year or less of experience had less agreement to the gold standard. A curriculum to rate maneuvers and grade lessons was developed and practice sessions occurred in instructor meetings starting Fall 2013. Post-test results show improvement in agreement in one year or less experienced group.
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Scholarly Commons Citation
Beaudin-Seiler, B. M.,
& Seiler, R.
A Study of How Flight Instructors Assess Flight Maneuvers and Give Grades: Inter-rater Reliability of Instructor Assessments.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 25(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.2015.1652