Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research





Key words

Flight instruction, virtual learning enviornment, flight simulation, Fundamentals of Instruction


An examination of the gap in the knowledge and understanding of teaching methods that exists in the aviation training industry is examined in this study. Previous research highlights the deficiencies associated with the initial training of Certificated Flight Instructors (CFIs). This study focuses on the training that is required on the fundamentals of instruction, specifically the difficulty associated with training future instructors on how to identify and respond appropriately to human behavior will be addressed. For the purpose of this study a virtual learning environment was created through role play and the use of flight simulation in the classroom. Two groups of CFI candidates were used. The first group consisted of 19 students and employed the traditional method of training. The second group consisted of 17 students and employed the use of role play and flight simulation in the classroom. The second group performed significantly better on the end of course knowledge exam that focused on the fundamentals of instruction. The results of the study suggest that the use of simulation and role play in the classroom has a significant impact on student understanding of the fundamentals of instruction.

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