JAAER 2020
Aviation Training & Technology
Research Recommendations from the Airplane Simulation Transfer Literature
Jan G. Neal, Stephanie G. Fussell PhD, and Steven Hampton
Innovations in Education
Implementing Active Learning Techniques in an Undergraduate Aviation Meteorology Course
Daniel J. Halperin, Robert W. Eicher, Thomas A. Guinn, Joseph R. Keebler, and Kim O. Chambers
Learning Theory and Differentiation in Flight Instruction: Perceptions from Certified Flight Instructors
Bernard W. Wulle, Denise K. Whitford, and Julius C. Keller
Collegiate Aviation Students Perceptions of Female Representation in Collegiate Aviation and the U.S. Aviation Industry
Mallory K. Casebolt and Jam Khojasteh
Aviation Education Impacts on Cockpit Culture of Chinese Student Pilots
Xiaoyu Wu, Yujia Liu, and Terrence Kelly