Professional pilot collegiate aviation curricula vary not only in depth of information, but also in topical content area. Although fundamental flight-related skills are clearly important, future graduates must be familiar with advances in automated cockpit technology and human factors. This article combines the observations of industry practitioners, recommendations of educators, guidelines of the Council on Aviation Accreditation, and the authors' opinions into proposed topic areas for four-year professional pilot curricula. Results of a 1993 preliminary study of collegiate professional pilot programs are included for comparison. It is hoped these suggestions will assist collegiate educators in developing, revising, and updating plans of study.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Petrin, D. A.,
& Young, J. P.
Professional Pilot Studies: Proposed Content.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 4(3).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.1994.1134