A survey was conducted for the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) that identified educational content and knowledge areas thought to be important to the success of a corporate aviation flight department manager or chief pilot. The survey consisted of 49 educational course descriptions. Information about the importance of the courses was sought from NBAA member companies, specifically the flight department manager or chief pilot and the individual that the manager or chief pilot reported to in the company. The data collected were ranked and grouped to reflect those topics that were considered important to the success of a manager. Results from the study raise questions about how to best meet the educational needs identified. Aviation educational institutions and management development and training consultants are encouraged to develop and deliver courses, seminars, or curriculums that focus on developing current corporate and business aviation managers and better preparing future managers.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Quilty, S. M.
Educational Course and Curriculum Needs for Corporate Aviation Managers.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 7(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.1996.1185