We have all heard it said that a good landing requires a good approach. But what can we do to teach our students to make good approaches? What techniques can we emphasize to ensure that the variables that affect each approach -- speed, approach angle, and runway alignment -- are controlled in such a way that the pilot arrives at the proper position and at an appropriate speed that allows a smooth transition to the touchdown attitude and contact with the runway at an acceptable point in the touchdown zone? The key to teaching students to land successfully is to consistently execute approaches that ensure that the aircraft arrives at a predetermined point from which the transition to the touchdown attitude can begin. This paper will explain one method of flying good approaches by the numbers -- numbers that will help quantify some of the variables that make the execution of the visual approach and landing such a challenge to our students. Included are several other important techniques that support and enhance the information provided.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Moren, C. R.
Teaching Landings by the Numbers: Quantifying the Visual Approach and Landing.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 8(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.1997.1217