"The airport planner, who is required to anticipate conditions 10 to 15 years in the future, must often resort to guesswork" (322). Researching the evolution of Denver International Airport was more than simply a project of interest. These three authors recognize the continuing growth in aviation demand and the need for expanding facilities to accommodate this demand. Indeed, this book was designed to assist major cities worldwide as they are forced to cope with this need for additional supply in airport facilities. In sum, "the need to build new airports and expand existing ones will continue to press communities to address many of the same difficult questions that Denver faced (ix). In this sense, this book is a resource for all airport managers and professors confronting the increasing aviation demands of the next millennium.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Prather, C. D.
Denver International Airport: Lessons Learned.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 8(2).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58940/2329-258X.1229