There is a plethora of literature on educational software and hardware. Equally as much has been written about technology and the learning environment. Conspicuous in its absence is discussion of the liveware component of educational technology, the faculty member. Changing educational technologies are threatening many faculty members' sense of security and even, in some cases, their very livelihoods. Those faculty members who are willing to face their concerns 'head-on' can learn to convert their apprehension into the motivation needed to make changes that will assure them of success in today's high-technology, learning environment. Change in educational technology has always been, and continues to be, a constant. This being the case, why do today's educational advances appear to be so much worse than the educational technology changes of the past? The answer lies, at least in some part, in the speed, constancy, scope, and complexity of the current changes. When it appears that rapidly advancing educational technologies will lead to obsolescence, it is logical and expected that faculty will be unsettled. The faculty member who is technology poor needs to take advantage of every available developmental opportunity to learn even a little bit more about 'techknowledgey'. And, when he or she has mastered what is needed for the current change, it is time to prepare for the anticipated next wave of change. The only thing faculty have to fear is fear itself-and complacency. Faculty members must actively search for the ways needed to cope with the ever-changing educational environment. To maintain a faculty asset of the highest value, colleges and universities must make developmental opportunities related to technological change readily available to all faculty members.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Herlehy, W. F.,
& Hancock, M. A.
Tech’knowledge’y Anxiety.
Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 9(1).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58940/2329-258X.1238