Scholarly Commons - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission: Comparative collisionless shocks beyond Earth

Comparative collisionless shocks beyond Earth

Author and Affiliation

Lynn B. Wilson III, Invited Speaker

Presentation Type


Presenter Format

In Person Meeting Talk


Fundamental Processes in Comparative Magnetospheres

Start Date

13-5-2022 10:45 AM


Collisionless shock waves are an ubiquitous phenomena occurring upstream of planetary magnetospheres, cometary bodies, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and astrospheres. Here I will present a very brief overview of collisionless shock wave observations beyond Earth's bow shock.


May 13th, 10:45 AM

Comparative collisionless shocks beyond Earth

Collisionless shock waves are an ubiquitous phenomena occurring upstream of planetary magnetospheres, cometary bodies, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and astrospheres. Here I will present a very brief overview of collisionless shock wave observations beyond Earth's bow shock.