Scholarly Commons - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission: First Observations and Simulations of Multiple Diamagnetic Cavities at Dayside Magnetosphere and their connection to Energetic Electron Microinjections

First Observations and Simulations of Multiple Diamagnetic Cavities at Dayside Magnetosphere and their connection to Energetic Electron Microinjections

Presentation Type


Presenter Format

In Person Meeting Talk


Dayside Science

Start Date

10-5-2022 4:30 PM


Despite recent advances in understanding the generation mechanisms of the electron microinjections, it is still unclear how the proposed source origins of the electron microinjections can generate and organize the high-energy electrons as observed in microinjections. Here we present a multisatellite case study of Electron Microinjections observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS). During this event, MMS traversed duskward at the Southern hemispheric dayside magnetospheric boundaries, Geotail located at the magnetopause at the dusk equatorial plane observing periodic magnetopause crossings, and THEMIS A and E located at the dawnside magnetosheath encountering several magnetic field depressions characterized by enhanced plasma beta and high fluxes of high-energy electrons. The multipoint spacecraft analysis and high-resolution OpenGGCM magnetohydrodynamic simulations created for real solar wind and IMF orientations during the event show that the two diamagnetic cavities (DMC) had been created by magnetic reconnection at high latitudes in the vicinity of the cusps. MMS detects the microinjections in the vicinity of the southern-hemispheric dusk sector cavity. Simulations also reveal that two additional DMCs are formed at mid-latitudes by remote component reconnection at low latitudes, one of which is observed by THEMIS. We suggest DMCs as a likely source origin of present energetic electron microinjections observed by MMS. The present study provides new insights into the nature and origin of energetic particles within energetic electron microinjections.


May 10th, 4:30 PM

First Observations and Simulations of Multiple Diamagnetic Cavities at Dayside Magnetosphere and their connection to Energetic Electron Microinjections

Despite recent advances in understanding the generation mechanisms of the electron microinjections, it is still unclear how the proposed source origins of the electron microinjections can generate and organize the high-energy electrons as observed in microinjections. Here we present a multisatellite case study of Electron Microinjections observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS). During this event, MMS traversed duskward at the Southern hemispheric dayside magnetospheric boundaries, Geotail located at the magnetopause at the dusk equatorial plane observing periodic magnetopause crossings, and THEMIS A and E located at the dawnside magnetosheath encountering several magnetic field depressions characterized by enhanced plasma beta and high fluxes of high-energy electrons. The multipoint spacecraft analysis and high-resolution OpenGGCM magnetohydrodynamic simulations created for real solar wind and IMF orientations during the event show that the two diamagnetic cavities (DMC) had been created by magnetic reconnection at high latitudes in the vicinity of the cusps. MMS detects the microinjections in the vicinity of the southern-hemispheric dusk sector cavity. Simulations also reveal that two additional DMCs are formed at mid-latitudes by remote component reconnection at low latitudes, one of which is observed by THEMIS. We suggest DMCs as a likely source origin of present energetic electron microinjections observed by MMS. The present study provides new insights into the nature and origin of energetic particles within energetic electron microinjections.