Scholarly Commons - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission: Out-of-plane magnetic field topology at the electron scale

Out-of-plane magnetic field topology at the electron scale

Presentation Type


Presenter Format

In Person Meeting Talk


Dayside Science

Start Date

10-5-2022 5:30 PM


Inside of the ion diffusion region, the magnetic field topology can become significantly more complex during reconnection. Here, we present the case of a highly asymmetric, moderate guide field reconnection event. The interference of the guide field and Hall field creates an additional kink in the magnetic field north or south of the X-line, which has recently been associated with a wave-particle instability and anisotropy in the outflow regions. We also discuss some distinct classes of these electron-scale topological structures to consider for future events.


May 10th, 5:30 PM

Out-of-plane magnetic field topology at the electron scale

Inside of the ion diffusion region, the magnetic field topology can become significantly more complex during reconnection. Here, we present the case of a highly asymmetric, moderate guide field reconnection event. The interference of the guide field and Hall field creates an additional kink in the magnetic field north or south of the X-line, which has recently been associated with a wave-particle instability and anisotropy in the outflow regions. We also discuss some distinct classes of these electron-scale topological structures to consider for future events.