Highlights Associated with the NE NASA EPSCoR and Space Grant Minority/Diversity Outreach Initiative
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- Formed Nebraska Native American Working Group (NNAWG) of trial college presidents and reservation school superintendents
- Visited the each of the reservation schools and tribal colleges developing relationships
- Hosted the first of many field trips for NA students to Sioux City Airport. The first year 250 5th and 6th grade students attended
- In concert with the NNAWG, developed academic science outreach programs for NA children at reservation schools
- Held a grant writing workshop for faculty and staff at NA schools and colleges
- Held the second Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students
- Sent 4 teachers to an Aeronautics Teacher’s Workshop at Augustana College
- Sent a Nebraska team of educators to NASA Ames for a two-week teacher workshop
- Held the third Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students
- Continued relationship with administrators and principals at reservation schools about academic impact of NASA on school science
- Initiated the first Family Science demonstration project at Santee School
- Held the fourth Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students
- Began discussion with Little Priest Tribal College (LPTC) and Winnebago Schools about possible Family Science demonstration at those schools
- Continued the Family Science project at Santee; started two new programs at Winnebago and Walthill
- Worked with Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) and LPTC to define how to make Native American students more competitive in mathematics and science
- Sent another NE team to NASA Ames for two week summer workshop
- Convened a Nebraska Native American Aeronautics Education Summit at Sioux City; attended by 35 educators, administrators, faculty, and researchers
- Continued Family Science at Santee, Winnebago, and Walthill
- Have recruited a GIS demonstration team from NICC at Santee and Santee Community Schools for a July 2002 project
- Hosted the 5th Annual Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport
- Have begun initial planning for a K -14 mathematics and science co-ordination effort. Enhancements will use NASA materials
- Established the Native Institute for Managing Application in Geospatial Education (IMAGE) at LPTC
- Faculty at LPTC developed initial STEM learning objectives for curriculum
- Efforts from previous years were monitored and maintained
- Implemented a Geo Family Science demonstration project program for grades 7 and 8 at the Winnebago Public Schools
- Held the first Geospatial Boot Camp at LPTC
- Briefed NSF officials in Washington, DC for possible grant funding to expand LPTC STEM initiate
Scholarly Commons Citation
Lehrer, H. R., & Bowen, B. D. (2019). Highlights Associated with the NE NASA EPSCoR and Space Grant Minority/Diversity Outreach Initiative. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/ni-s1-intro/1
Additional Information
Brent Bowen and Hank Lehrer were not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University when this paper was produced.