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The Family Aeronautical Science project that was the result of the initial phase of this project was the development of an action model to prepare young students in the academic areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM). Begun in 1997 by Dr. Hank Lehrer, faculty member at the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Aviation Institute, the initial launch of the effort was at three of Nebraska’s reservation schools (Winnebago, Santee Sioux, and Omaha). The initial target group for the effort was upper elementary children approximately 11- 12 years of age and the families of those children. The primary thrust of the program used aeronautical concepts, devices, and activities to motivate students to stay in school and do well in the sciences. Through a series of Family Science Nights during the school year, families enjoyed group activities based on new aeronautical knowledge that the students were exposed to in their classrooms. The Family Science program has been supported by grants from the NASA Nebraska Space Grant, Nebraska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), the National Science Foundation, and the Aerospace States Association.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Bowen, B. D., & Lehrer, H. R. (2019). Family Science Overview. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/ni-s2-intro/1