Pilot Program: School Identification and Mobilization
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The Families United in the Discovery (FUN) of Science, Family Science, project that is currently operating at the Santee Community Schools in Niobrara, NE has involved selected students and their teachers. The initial target group was upper elementary children approximately 11- 12 years of age in the school. Santee Community Schools served as a demonstration stage and the project included the parents and family of those children; faculty and staff the school and the NASA Nebraska Space Grant; and members of the NASA Langley Education Office. The primary focus of this initial endeavor as to engage Native American upper elementary school children and assist their teachers in enhancing the classroom teaching of mathematics and science knowledge and concepts using aeronautics.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Bowen, B. D., & Lehrer, H. R. (2000). Family Science Demonstration Project Expansion. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/ni-s2a-pilot-program/3
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