Nebraska Native American Geospatial Summit
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The NASA Nebraska Space Grant (NSGC) & EPSCoR Programs at the University of Nebraska at Omaha have embarked on a unique educational journey. This journey, known as the Native American Outreach program has been a highly successful endeavor since its inception five years ago. The Native American Outreach Program’s main objective is to make Native American students more competitive in mathematics and science. This program is the most comprehensive Native American program of any state and has allowed for a variety of activities to take place including: regional and national presentations; interfacing between schools; and formulating administrative leadership conferences. In order to continually provide effective support to Nebraska’s Native American community, NSGC & EPSCoR sought an evaluation technique for the Native American Outreach Program. To execute such an evaluation, the NSGC organized the first Nebraska Aeronautics Education Summit (NAES) Meeting. The diverse group of educators, researchers, and practitioners present at the summit provided a unique opportunity to gather information by employing a focus group research technique. This opportunity was not only beneficial to the Native American Outreach program by assessing its strengths and weaknesses, but also to those who participated in the study by providing them with a worthwhile learning experience. The results and recommendations acquired and included in this document were indeed remarkable. The utilization of the summit participants’ recommendations and innovative future plans will ensure continued shared success between NSGC & EPSCoR and the Nebraska Native American community.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Nickerson, J. S., Bowen, B. D., & Lehrer, H. (2003). Consensus Building in Native American Outreach: A Process Plan for Consensus Building in the Evaluation of the NSGC Native American Outreach Program. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/ni-s3b-geospatial-summit/2
Additional Information
Brent Bowen and Hank Lehrer were not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University when this paper was produced.