Session 2: Human Factors & Flight Operations
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Start Date
8-14-2017 1:15 PM
End Date
8-14-2017 2:45 PM
Submission Type
Five presentations are scheduled for this session. This interesting collaboration of broad topics will include training and learning, communication, incorporating cockpit technology for cultural differences, as well as psychophysiological measurements.
To view individual presentations, click the corresponding link below:
Mental Engineering - A Significant Contribution to Resilience Engineering in Aviation - Max Scheck
Combining Forces: Utilizing Expertise from Applied Linguistics and Flight Instruction for Better ATC Communications - Jennifer L. Roberts & Muhammad T. Omar
Data Visualization Approaches in Eye Tracking to Support the Learning of Air Traffic Control Operations - Ziho Kang, Saptarshi Mandal, & John W. Dyer
Adaptive Learning Pedagogy in UDL and Multi-Modal Training - Ziho Kang, Mattlyn R. Dragoo, Randa L. Shehab, Han Yuan, Lei Ding, & Stephen G. West
Differences in the Severity of General Aviation Accidents by Age: A Preliminary Examination - Brandi N. Drye, Karina Mesarosova, Robert Walton, & P. Michael Politano
Presenter Biography
Aug 14th, 1:15 PM
Aug 14th, 2:45 PM
Session 2: Human Factors & Flight Operations
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Five presentations are scheduled for this session. This interesting collaboration of broad topics will include training and learning, communication, incorporating cockpit technology for cultural differences, as well as psychophysiological measurements.