Presenter Email
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Start Date
8-13-2018 9:00 AM
End Date
8-13-2018 10:15 AM
Submission Type
pilot training, Microsoft, HoloLens, augmented reality, mixed reality, simulation, Lori Brown, WMU, aviation education
Streaming Media
Mixed reality technologies present a new medium, a new paradigm of augmented reality, where for the first time we have the ability to take the analog world and superimpose digital training artifacts and create a ‘mixed reality’ to enhance aviation training. Digital computing headsets such as Microsoft HoloLens are intuitive and offer a natural means of interaction with no computer, wire or touch-screen. This approach has several practical advantages to overlay holographic elements onto real-world crew environments which makes holographic micro-simulations particularly suited to aviation training and education. Unlike virtual reality—the user is not isolated from their surroundings. MR allows you to see, listen, and talk to others while everyone involved sees the same holograms simultaneously which makes holographic computing a powerful tool to enhance aviation training. Western Michigan University, College of Aviation has successfully integrated the HoloLens and virtual immersive headsets into the classroom and assessments.
- Media 1, Slide 2
- Media 2, Slide 3
- Media 3, Slide 4
- Media 4, Slide 5
- Media 5, Slide 7
- Media 6, Slide 8
- Media 7, Slide 9
- Media 8, Slide 11
- Media 9, Slide 12
- Media 10.1, Slide 13
- Media 10.2, Slide 13
- Media 10.3, Slide 13
- Media 11, Slide 14
- Media 11.5, Slide 15
- Media 12, Slide16
Presenter Biography
Lori Brown is an Associate Professor and Researcher at Western Michigan University, College of Aviation. She serves on the International Pilot Training Association (IPTA) council and is the chair for the Outreach chair for the ICAO Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) program. She is an Airline Transport Pilot and has taught in the International Pilot Training Center on the B737 for Delta, British Airways, KLM, and UAE, Ab-initio sponsored cadets. She serves as an aviation curriculum evaluator for America's Council on Education (ACE) for the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, FAA and Coast Guard and is also currently a researcher for the FAA PEGASAS center of excellence dedicated to helping the FAA revolutionize technical training practices. Her transformative aviation training methodologies using augmented and virtual reality have been widely recognized in the aviation community and has earned her the WMU Innovative Teaching Award (2018), the WMU nominated Michigan Professor of the Year Award (2018), Microsoft Partner Spotlight Program to celebrate women in technology. Her work has been featured at ICAO, the Royal Aeronautical Society and in many international conferences, books and journal publications.
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Original PPT w/o Video
Student exploring engine in classroom.jpg (155 kB)
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Original PPT w/o Video
Included in
Aviation and Space Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Maintenance Technology Commons

Aug 13th, 9:00 AM
Aug 13th, 10:15 AM
Holographic Micro-simulations to Enhance Aviation Training with Mixed Reality
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Mixed reality technologies present a new medium, a new paradigm of augmented reality, where for the first time we have the ability to take the analog world and superimpose digital training artifacts and create a ‘mixed reality’ to enhance aviation training. Digital computing headsets such as Microsoft HoloLens are intuitive and offer a natural means of interaction with no computer, wire or touch-screen. This approach has several practical advantages to overlay holographic elements onto real-world crew environments which makes holographic micro-simulations particularly suited to aviation training and education. Unlike virtual reality—the user is not isolated from their surroundings. MR allows you to see, listen, and talk to others while everyone involved sees the same holograms simultaneously which makes holographic computing a powerful tool to enhance aviation training. Western Michigan University, College of Aviation has successfully integrated the HoloLens and virtual immersive headsets into the classroom and assessments.
Presented during Session 1: Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality in Aviation Training