2018 - The Changing Role of the Pilot | National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS)

2018 - The Changing Role of the Pilot

August 13 - 15, 2018: The Changing Role of the Pilot

2018 Conference Proceedings are available via individual presentation pages (< click here) and the daily agenda pages (< click here) for Keynote and presentation sessions.

Conference Agenda information is available by clicking the links below:

Papers and Presentations     Monday Tuesday Wednesday 

2018 Keynote Speakers

Hon Earl Weener  Robert Joslin  Crystal Maguire  William Little  Steve Dickson

2018 Sponsors

THANK YOU to our generous sponsors!

2018 Sponsors

2018 Conference Details

The National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS) serves as a forum for aviation professionals from academia, government, and industry to exchange ideas and learn about ways to address problems in the aviation industry. With the technological advances in automation and the advent of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), this year’s theme is focused on The Changing Role of the Pilot.

NTAS is focused on serving as a platform to enhance partnerships between academia and industry. The symposium allows various stakeholders to discuss problems and potential solutions in areas such as pilot supply, flight training, safety, technology, leadership, virtual reality, STEM education, and other emerging issues in aviation. This forum is committed to providing a venue for aviation professionals to interact with one another, to explore new ideas, and to build new relationships that result in better training and education.

This year's symposium will be dedicated to the following areas:

• Flight Training
- Ab initio flight training
- Advanced flight training
- Changes to FAA written exams
- Outcomes of ATP-R
- Strategies / Successes in mentoring school-age children about aviation careers
• Integrated Airspace (Manned vs. Unmanned)
• NextGen — What's been done and what lies ahead
• Pilot Supply
• Professionalism / Leadership
• Safety Management Systems integration
- Airlines
- FBOs
- Incorporating Human Factors
• Aviation Maintenance
- Maintenance technician shortage
- Human factors integration
• Technology
- New technologies for ab initio flight training
- Transition to changing technologies
- Benefits and drawbacks of automation
- Cybersecurity
• Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality in Aviation Training
• Personal Air Vehicles — Challenges and opportunities for pilots
- Training
- Implications for pilots

Action & Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline

March 19, 2018 Extended to April 20

Abstract Decision to Author(s) 

April 30, 2018

Poster Submission Deadline

July 30, 2018

Presentation Submission Deadline

July 30, 2018


August 13-15, 2018

Paper Submission Deadline (optional)

September 1, 2018

(for publishing consideration in special conference peer-reviewed journal)

Browse the contents of 2018 - The Changing Role of the Pilot:

Monday, August 13th, 2018
Daily Agenda
Tuesday, August 14th, 2018
Daily Agenda
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Daily Agenda
Papers / Presentations