Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Assessing Communication and Situation Awareness in Medevac Operations

Presenter Email


Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Start Date

8-15-2018 8:00 AM

End Date

8-15-2018 9:30 AM

Submission Type


Other Topic Area

Situation Awareness, CRM in Med-Evac missions


Team work coordinate


Aeromedical service and air ambulances have shown to play a significant role in the society. Mounting evidence suggests that there is an improved chance for recovery, survival, and a reduction in fatality rate when air ambulance services are made available to trauma patients. The aeromedical crew is regularly involved in critical missions that typically operate at very low altitudes, severe weather conditions, and involve unfamiliar terrain. This research seeks to assess the operations of aeromedical operations and increase both pilot and medical crew Situation Awareness (SA) through communication. A survey approach will be used to solicit feedback from Aeromedical Evacuation (Medevac) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on their communication procedures. The researcher will then design and create a new communication model that will be derived from a survey questionnaire composing of questions relating Crew Resource Management (CRM), SA, teamwork, communication, power distance, as well as safety. This investigation will involve the creation of a new checklist that includes medical information. It is expected that the SA of the pilots will significantly improve as a result of this process. The researcher recommends that recurrent basic medical training should be administered to medevac pilots and basic principles of flight be taught to medical personnel assigned to medevac operations.

1206 POSTER Alswat, Dattel, Karuri.pptx (140 kB)
Original PowerPoint, Full-res


Aug 15th, 8:00 AM Aug 15th, 9:30 AM

Assessing Communication and Situation Awareness in Medevac Operations

Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Aeromedical service and air ambulances have shown to play a significant role in the society. Mounting evidence suggests that there is an improved chance for recovery, survival, and a reduction in fatality rate when air ambulance services are made available to trauma patients. The aeromedical crew is regularly involved in critical missions that typically operate at very low altitudes, severe weather conditions, and involve unfamiliar terrain. This research seeks to assess the operations of aeromedical operations and increase both pilot and medical crew Situation Awareness (SA) through communication. A survey approach will be used to solicit feedback from Aeromedical Evacuation (Medevac) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on their communication procedures. The researcher will then design and create a new communication model that will be derived from a survey questionnaire composing of questions relating Crew Resource Management (CRM), SA, teamwork, communication, power distance, as well as safety. This investigation will involve the creation of a new checklist that includes medical information. It is expected that the SA of the pilots will significantly improve as a result of this process. The researcher recommends that recurrent basic medical training should be administered to medevac pilots and basic principles of flight be taught to medical personnel assigned to medevac operations.


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