Presenter Email
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Start Date
8-14-2018 1:00 PM
End Date
8-14-2018 2:30 PM
Submission Type
High School Students, STEM, Aerospace, Aviation, Dual Enrollment, Concurrent Enrollment, Local Industry, Higher Education, Parents, Community
Gaetz Aerospace Institute uses aviation, aerospace, and engineering to capture students’ imaginations and motivate them toward their studies. Students are officially registered in Embry-Riddle courses that will reflect on their college transcripts. The concurrent enrollment courses that are administered at high school reflect the pedagogical, theoretical, and philosophical orientation of Embry-Riddle courses. Our Embry-Riddle instructors provide discipline-specific training and orientation regarding course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, and course philosophy to the high school instructor. Assessments are evaluated at the same standards of achievement as those expected at the Daytona Beach campus. Concurrent Enrollment is great because the courses are taught on the high school campus and follow the high school schedule.
Presenter Biography
Hilary Stevens is the Central Florida Regional Manager and an Assistant Professor for the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University dual enrollment program, where accredited courses are taught in high schools throughout the state. She has her Master of Science in Human Factors and Systems Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle, has her Airline Transport Pilot certificate and Certificated Flight Instructor/Instrument/Multi-Engine and is currently working on attaining her Airframe and Powerplant mechanic certificate.
Hilary is the Director of the Embry-Riddle aerospace program at Flagler Palm Coast High School. There she teaches, mentors and enhances younger generations’ science and technology backgrounds by teaching aviation courses, developing hands-on activities, field trips, and arranging industry professionals to visit as guest speakers. Hilary has trained fellow teaching professionals in curriculum follow-through and student outreach. She has worked with youth, ranging in age from elementary through college to increase science, math, engineering and technology education and student possibilities. Hilary helped with the inception of the high school aerospace program at Atlantic High School in Port Orange, FL, which has now grown to require a fulltime in-house teacher whom Hilary oversees to teach academic courses, advise academic clubs, and promote programs. In addition to teaching, she is currently supervising and is a liaison for over 7 counties in the state to aid in upholding standards, encouraging an exciting scholastic environment, training professionals in curriculum and teaching techniques, as well as continuing to excite young students about their future opportunities.
1267 Stevens.pptx (1766 kB)
Original PowerPoint, Full-res
Original PowerPoint, Full-res
Aug 14th, 1:00 PM
Aug 14th, 2:30 PM
Gaetz Aerospace Institute — Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's High School Dual Enrollment Program
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Gaetz Aerospace Institute uses aviation, aerospace, and engineering to capture students’ imaginations and motivate them toward their studies. Students are officially registered in Embry-Riddle courses that will reflect on their college transcripts. The concurrent enrollment courses that are administered at high school reflect the pedagogical, theoretical, and philosophical orientation of Embry-Riddle courses. Our Embry-Riddle instructors provide discipline-specific training and orientation regarding course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, and course philosophy to the high school instructor. Assessments are evaluated at the same standards of achievement as those expected at the Daytona Beach campus. Concurrent Enrollment is great because the courses are taught on the high school campus and follow the high school schedule.
Presented during Session 5: Educating Students in Aviation