Lunch Keynote Speaker — The Mechanic Pipeline
Presenter Email
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Start Date
8-14-2018 12:00 PM
End Date
8-14-2018 1:00 PM
Submission Type
A recent ATEC report found that aviation industry mechanics are retiring faster than they are being replaced. How can industry and educators work together to better recruit and ensure the next generation of aviation mechanics have the knowledge and skill required to be a valuable asset to employers? Encouraging community involvement in the development of new regulatory standards, facilitating employer-employee partnerships, and enhancing access to mechanic testing are all ways the council is helping to address the technician shortage.
To view Dr. Maguire's conference presentation, click the corresponding link below:
The Mechanic Pipeline - Crystal Maguire, J.D.
Presenter Biography
Crystal Maguire is the Executive Director of Aviation Technician Education Council who manages day-to-day operations and implements strategic initiatives for ATEC, as directed by the council’s board of directors.
Under the sole proprietorship Maguire Law, Maguire provides operational management for the Aerospace Maintenance Council, a non-profit group that raises awareness about aviation maintenance technician careers through its annual Aerospace Maintenance Competition. She is also a contributing writer to Aviation Week’s InsideMRO.
Maguire spent twelve years at Obadal, Filler, MacLeod, & Klein, P.L.C. where she counseled companies on aviation maintenance regulatory compliance. There she also held various positions with association client organizations including vice president of operations for the Aeronautical Repair Station Association and director of government affairs and Washington counsel for the Associated Equipment Distributors.
Maguire graduated with a B.A. in management from the University of Tulsa. She received a J.D. from American University, Washington College of Law and is a member of the Virginia and Oklahoma State Bars. She is the recipient of AMT Magazine’s Next Gen 40 Under 40 Award, and ARSA’s Leo Weston Award for Excellence in Government Service.
Aug 14th, 12:00 PM
Aug 14th, 1:00 PM
Lunch Keynote Speaker — The Mechanic Pipeline
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
A recent ATEC report found that aviation industry mechanics are retiring faster than they are being replaced. How can industry and educators work together to better recruit and ensure the next generation of aviation mechanics have the knowledge and skill required to be a valuable asset to employers? Encouraging community involvement in the development of new regulatory standards, facilitating employer-employee partnerships, and enhancing access to mechanic testing are all ways the council is helping to address the technician shortage.