Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Using Technology Pedagogy to Enable Workforce Development, Inclusion and Diversity into the Aerospace Industry

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aviation technician, STEM education, technology in the classroom, accessibility in education


The pool of aviation mechanics and technicians is not growing fast enough to support the projected growth in aviation. A group of stakeholders has come together with a big idea to help attract the next generation of talent.

Choose Aerospace, in collaboration with Clemson University Center for Workforce Development, the Aviation Technician Education Council, labor organizations, industry employers, and educational partners including subject matter experts at Greenville Technical College, Utah Valley University, Southern Illinois University, intends to deploy an innovative and effective aviation technical curriculum into high schools across the country. A program projected to reach 10,000 students by 2027.

The innovative approach brings evidence-based learning delivery modalities to the traditional classroom, including e-books, video, and augmented reality simulations. The learning platform removes barriers for schools previously unable to adopt aviation technical programs due to high barriers to entry to include, complexity of curriculum, qualification requirements of instructors, and high equipment and material cost. The online learning resource being developed and deployed will allow industry to draw upon talent pools of students who are currently found in under-represented communities, driving more diversity and inclusion into the high technology career fields found within an aerospace technical workforce.

Hear from the team behind the endeavor, the strategy to gain wide-spread adoption of aviation technical curriculum, how curriculum designers approach computer-based learning for future aerospace technicians, and learning effectiveness to a new and innovative way of training.



Using Technology Pedagogy to Enable Workforce Development, Inclusion and Diversity into the Aerospace Industry

The pool of aviation mechanics and technicians is not growing fast enough to support the projected growth in aviation. A group of stakeholders has come together with a big idea to help attract the next generation of talent.

Choose Aerospace, in collaboration with Clemson University Center for Workforce Development, the Aviation Technician Education Council, labor organizations, industry employers, and educational partners including subject matter experts at Greenville Technical College, Utah Valley University, Southern Illinois University, intends to deploy an innovative and effective aviation technical curriculum into high schools across the country. A program projected to reach 10,000 students by 2027.

The innovative approach brings evidence-based learning delivery modalities to the traditional classroom, including e-books, video, and augmented reality simulations. The learning platform removes barriers for schools previously unable to adopt aviation technical programs due to high barriers to entry to include, complexity of curriculum, qualification requirements of instructors, and high equipment and material cost. The online learning resource being developed and deployed will allow industry to draw upon talent pools of students who are currently found in under-represented communities, driving more diversity and inclusion into the high technology career fields found within an aerospace technical workforce.

Hear from the team behind the endeavor, the strategy to gain wide-spread adoption of aviation technical curriculum, how curriculum designers approach computer-based learning for future aerospace technicians, and learning effectiveness to a new and innovative way of training.


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