Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Using an Augmented Reality App for Flight Training

Presenter Email


ARAir app, augmented reality, ab initio flight training


As the global demand for aviation pilots continues to drastically increase, flight schools are experiencing a large influx of ab-initio flight students. Such flight training programs are seeking innovative, cutting-edge technologies to support these students and expedite their flight training. The ARAir app, a custom app developed by our team, was designed for ab-initio pilots training at the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus. The initial implementation in Spring 2021 included phonetic alphabet practice and strategic radiotelephony that allows students to practice in a self-paced environment with immediate corrective feedback at various levels of complexity. Students can compete against themselves to improve phonetic alphabet knowledge, create initial radio transmissions, read back ATC instructions, and manipulate an aircraft to the correct intended location at the KPRC airport. Based on the survey and interview feedback collected after the initial implementation, additional support for checklist memorization using the Augmented Reality (AR) feature was added to the ARAir app. This presentation will report students’ learning experience with the improved ARAir in the second implementation in Spring 2022.



Using an Augmented Reality App for Flight Training

As the global demand for aviation pilots continues to drastically increase, flight schools are experiencing a large influx of ab-initio flight students. Such flight training programs are seeking innovative, cutting-edge technologies to support these students and expedite their flight training. The ARAir app, a custom app developed by our team, was designed for ab-initio pilots training at the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus. The initial implementation in Spring 2021 included phonetic alphabet practice and strategic radiotelephony that allows students to practice in a self-paced environment with immediate corrective feedback at various levels of complexity. Students can compete against themselves to improve phonetic alphabet knowledge, create initial radio transmissions, read back ATC instructions, and manipulate an aircraft to the correct intended location at the KPRC airport. Based on the survey and interview feedback collected after the initial implementation, additional support for checklist memorization using the Augmented Reality (AR) feature was added to the ARAir app. This presentation will report students’ learning experience with the improved ARAir in the second implementation in Spring 2022.


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