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Pilot shortage
For the past few years, securing a pipeline of new pilots has been a primary concern for airlines around the world. In an Oliver Wyman poll of flight operations leaders, 62 percent listed a shortage of qualified pilots as a key risk. The root cause of the coming shortage varies by region: In the United States, it’s an aging workforce facing mandatory retirement, fewer pilots exiting the military, and barriers to entry, including the cost of training. In China and other regions where a burgeoning middle class is demanding air travel, the struggle is to expand capacity fast enough.
The impact also depends on the class of carrier, with 83 percent of regional carriers finding it challenging to recruit talent compared with 22 percent of low-cost carriers. Despite these differences, there were few regions in the world that weren’t dealing with how to secure enough pilots to fuel future growth.
Integrated with Oliver Wyman's work with flight operations leaders around the world -- and our flight operations survey -- this presentation will share Oliver Wyman's proprietary forecast of pilot supply and demand.
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Training and the pilot shortage
For the past few years, securing a pipeline of new pilots has been a primary concern for airlines around the world. In an Oliver Wyman poll of flight operations leaders, 62 percent listed a shortage of qualified pilots as a key risk. The root cause of the coming shortage varies by region: In the United States, it’s an aging workforce facing mandatory retirement, fewer pilots exiting the military, and barriers to entry, including the cost of training. In China and other regions where a burgeoning middle class is demanding air travel, the struggle is to expand capacity fast enough.
The impact also depends on the class of carrier, with 83 percent of regional carriers finding it challenging to recruit talent compared with 22 percent of low-cost carriers. Despite these differences, there were few regions in the world that weren’t dealing with how to secure enough pilots to fuel future growth.
Integrated with Oliver Wyman's work with flight operations leaders around the world -- and our flight operations survey -- this presentation will share Oliver Wyman's proprietary forecast of pilot supply and demand.
Presented in Session 1 A - Insights & Solutions to the Pilot Shortage