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Daytona Beach


School of Graduate Studies

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Publication/Presentation Date



Adopting a multidisciplinary research approach would enable test and evaluation professionals to more effective!y investigate the complex human performance problems faced in today's technologically advanced operational domains. To illustrate the utility of this approach, we present "lessons learned" based on our experiences as a multi-agency, multidisciplinary team collaborating on an Army research project involving a dynamic military command and control simulation. Our goal with these lessons learned is to provide guidance to researchers and practitioners alike concerning the benefits and challenges of such collaboration. Our project team's diverse members, drawn from both industry and government organizations, offer their multiple p perspectives on these issues. The final sections then summarize the challenges and benefits of multidisciplinary research.

Publication Title

The ITEA Journal (International Test and Evaluation Association)


International Test and Evaluation Association

Additional Information

Dr. Cuevas was not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University when this article was published.
