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The purpose of this article is to contribute to the emergent body of research that addresses the changing landscape of education transitioning from brick and mortar to online/remote learning. A review of related literature for this paper includes an early perspective of online education, emergent trends, methods used to support educators and learners and a summary of best practices and opportunities for educators. Transitioning courses from on-ground to online education requires a student-centered approach, a clear understanding of the objectives, and a plan to address each of the learning goals. Remote learning does not equate to a less rigorous learning experience, instead the online delivery will provide opportunities for synchronous and asynchronous interactions, and will require students to complete assignments and projects to demonstrate comprehension and mastery of the subject matter. Educators, administrators, institutional leaders may find insights into the merits of employing best practices in online education.
Publication Title
The Journal of Competency-Based Education
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Camacho DJ, Legare JM. Pivoting toonline learning—The future of learning and work. Competency-based Education. 2021;6:e01239.
Included in
Educational Methods Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons
Additional Information
Danielle Camacho was not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at the time this paper was published.