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Sustainability of aquaculture is achieved when aquaculture farming systems are capable of preserving the natural resource base and involves an institutional change to the environment by the attainment and continued satisfaction for present and future generations. Sustainable farming practices produce sufficient aquaculture output to satisfy the seafood demand while not burdening the environment more. The potentiality and efficiency of different sustainable aqua farming practices in reducing anthropogenic impacts to the environment by aquaculture are assessed in this paper. Polyculture is mostly adopted by small-scale rural farmers as it requires low entry barrier and help in income diversification. The input of inorganic fertilizer in polyculturing should be also minimized, replacing with efficient nitrogen use for better sustainability means. While green technologies like Recirculating aquaculture system (RASs), designed integrated aquaculture-wetland ecosystem (AWE) and Bioflocs involves more complicated interactions between the water treatment, the feed, and the fish. Hence, results with more variables in results and higher cost of adoption. However, the implications are much wider, not limited no nutrient uptake, salinity and pH, but the removal of total dissolved solids. While GIS analysis could serve as a guide for the site-selection in minimizing environmental impacts and preventing aquaculture failure. Different approaches should be adopted to fulfil different needs depending on the species being cultured and adjacent environmental context.

Publication Title

International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR)


BioIT International Journals
